Start attracting more potential customers from Google Street View and Google Maps
Today, high-speed internet has made communication between businesses and customers boundless, and Google plays a significant role in that transformation. Google has transformed from just a search engine to offer more tools that are universally accessible such as Google Maps and Google My Business. As a result, businesses can upload 360° panoramas and create a virtual tour to be viewed on Google Street View. As ordinary users rely on Google tools daily, there's never been a better time to invest in a Google Street View virtual tour.
A virtual tour on Google Street View will increase audience reach as 360°panoramas will be displayed on your Google Business page. In addition, virtual tours on Google Street View will automatically connect to Google Maps. As a result, your business will likely stand out from the crowd.
Sounds quite simple, yet, to connect your virtual tour to Google Street View, the virtual tour must be shot and uploaded by a Google Trusted Photographer. By working with us, within a few weeks (or sometimes even days), your new potential customers will be able to reach your business on Google Street View and Google Maps.